We are recognizing a moment of transition as a number of our Pilgrim Lodge Leadership Team (PLLT) members have completed their terms of service on behalf of our beloved camp program. The PLLT is the Team that oversees the operation of Pilgrim Lodge from camp policies, to budgeting and fundraising. The PLLT is charged with making sure that Pilgrim Lodge runs smoothly, safely, and serves our campers and visitors with the highest quality experience possible!
We offer our gratitude for their faithful leadership during a time of significant transitions at Pilgrim Lodge and turmoil in the world around us. They each served on the Pilgrim Lodge Leadership Team for six years and saw us through staff transitions and our camp closure due to covid-19 to a place of stability, growth and vibrant ministry. To each, we offer thanks.
Rev. Marraine Kettell (out-going Chair): Marraine and her extended family have had a long history with Pilgrim Lodge prior to and during her time on the PLLT. Not only has Marraine served as the Chair of the Pilgrim Lodge Leadership Team, but she has also volunteered her time as the Dean for Senior High and Clergy Praycation in recent summers. During her tenure on the Team, staff transitions took place, shifting from an Interim Director to, ultimately, a settled Director. At the same time, COVID-19 interrupted camp operations for two summers. Those years were used to focus on updates to the facility and to welcome Day Pass visitors in the absence of overnight campers. Marraine’s leadership with the PLLT has been defined by a focus on safety including developing protocols to reopen camp in the context of COVID-19, prioritizing updates to the facility for accessibility, and adhering to safety protocols for both camp practices and retreat groups to ensure that Pilgrim Lodge can keep everyone as safe as possible as a means to offering good quality programs. Marraine believes that providing a safe physical sanctuary does a lot to also provide mental and spiritual sanctuary. Marraine is proud that the PLLT has been creative, inventive and resourceful and loves seeing the energy of rejuvenation in the form of regrowth of camper numbers, welcoming new retreat groups, and building new relationships with partners.

Laura Barrantes: Laura began her relationship with Pilgrim Lodge as a camper, served as a volunteer Dean for many years and was on summer staff as the Assistant Director as well. In her time on the PLLT, she confronted the challenges that we faced as a camp community with creativity and her amazing organizational prowess. While most of us know that camp was closed for two summers during COVID-19, many may not know that the PLLT needed to address significant Brown Tail Moth remediation at camp! At the same time the PLLT decided to harvest timber from the camp property, using a renewable resource to maintain financial viability during the summers of closure. During her time, Laura was a key player in implementing Day Passes so that campers could have a way to visit Pilgrim Lodge during COVID-19. She has been instrumental in in our financial sustainability through her investment of time and talents in supporting the implementation of our online store, coordinating our fundraising efforts, and streamlining our budgeting process. She has been pleased to see high speed internet arrive at Pilgrim Lodge, the Annual Meeting of the Maine Conference UCC hosted at camp, and new partners utilizing Pilgrim Lodge as a retreat space. Her hope for Pilgrim Lodge is for it to remain sustainable as a home for our legacy summer camp programming alongside welcoming youth for overnight retreats in partnership with other mission-aligned organizations.
Stephenie Michaud: Stef has had Pilgrim Lodge in her life for most of her life, carrying on family traditions and volunteerism at camp. Recently she has served as the Dean for Elementary Adventures. She became a member of the PLLT as it was forming and served on the Outdoor Ministries Team of Pilgrim Lodge at the same time, linking together the oversight of camp with the programming of Pilgrim Lodge. Amid the staffing transitions and summers of closure, Stef has been pleased to see updates to the facility including finalizing program space and the Hospitality Room of the Lodge, improvements to Long Term Parking and the development of a tenting area in the region where timber harvesting took place. She has been proud of the fundraising efforts of the Team and the development of policies for safety at camp. She loves seeing new relationships developing beyond our traditional summer camp work and beyond the United Church of Christ. Stef is pleased that Pilgrim Lodge has become an organization of the Wabanaki Alliance Coalition. She is excited about the growth in camper numbers and retreat groups at Pilgrim Lodge and looks forward to seeing what new ideas and creative thinking comes from the new members of PLLT! As she complets her time on the PLLT and the Outdoor Ministries Team, Stef begins her role as the Chair of the Maine Conference UCC Board of Directors.

The work of the Pilgrim Lodge Leadership Team continues as Rev. TJ Mack becomes the Chair of the Team. Other continuing members include Andrew Hunter, Kayte Ellsworth and Beth Haynes. We are pleased to welcome Elena Barrantes, Henry Hilton, Stacy George, Doug Rhoda, Emily Southard to the Team!