Pilgrim Lodge is looking for Nurses (or other medical professionals)!
Pilgrim Lodge hires an in-residence weekly nurse every week there is a youth camp session on site.
The Camp Nurse (see all list of all allowable credentials below) is responsible for providing first aid and nursing services and for monitoring health and sanitation procedures throughout camp, makes sure medications are safeguarded and administered, and keeps accurate records. The Nurse is on site when camp is in session. Housing is part of the health center. The Nurse treats people’s injuries, illnesses or life events.
Nurses receive:
- Compensation for the week or free tuition for one child or grandchild
- All meals and housing included
Requirements (must be licensed to practice in the state of Maine):
- Registered Nurse
- Physician Assistant
- Nurse Practitioner
- Physician

If you, or someone you know, is a nurse and would like to spend a week at Pilgrim Lodge, please contact Liz in the PL office by email: echarles@pilgrimlodge.org or phone: 207-724-3200.