Are looking for financial assistance? Visit our scholarship and discount page.

Camp Proud

Each day I experienced a community of an ever widening and changing circle where kids who, in other contexts, would be left on the outside finding their place on the inside. It happened too for the straight boy who came to camp to support his queer sister and much to his own delight found a community of fun, joy, play and connection.

Jump Start Weekend is coming!

Can you remember how good it feels to drive down the long, winding camp road and know that you are welcome? Be among the first on site this season by joining us at Pilgrim Lodge on April 29-30, 2022.

Greetings From the New Director Liz

Greetings! My name is Liz Charles McGough and I’m honored to begin my role as the new Director of Pilgrim Lodge. Thank you for the warm welcome that so many of you have already offered me. I look forward to connecting with and welcoming you to Pilgrim Lodge!

Summer 2022 Registration

Come to PL this summer! Make your plans now because registration starts February 1! View the schedule:

2022 Schedule is Here!

We are excited to announce PL’s schedule for Summer 2022! See you at camp!

Volunteer at PL – help us get in shape for 2022!

Help is needed to get PL in shape for 2022! We are looking for handy (or enthusiastic and willing!) volunteers to help us with a sizeable list of projects. If you’re able to help for a half-day, day, or a few days, please fill out our volunteer form at

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