Would you like to work at Pilgrim Lodge in 2025? Apply now!
April 25th-27th, Fri to Sun - Weekend
Campers Entering Grades 6 & Up
Jump Start Work Days to open camp for the season
Please call or email to register for this session.

Pilgrim Lodge is our camp to love and tend together! Please volunteer to help open for the season. There are projects for all hands. Come for a day or a free overnight. More Info…

May 23rd-26th, Fri to Mon - One, Two or Three Night Stays available
All Ages!

All the fixings of camp life with the added joy of coming on your own, with your family or with your church community for a retreat experience as the Maine Conference United Church of Christ. More Info…

May 30th to June 1st, Fri to Sun - Two Nights *Optional Thursday Arrival
Campers Age 18 & Older

Come and join with the voices of women singing songs, sharing stories, playing games, laughing and praying together. There are so many ways to unwind with the Spirit as well as be lifted up here at Pilgrim Lodge…all you have to do is come. More Info…

June 3rd-5th, Tue to Thu
Campers Age 21-99

We invite authorized ministers, members in discernment and retired clergy of the Maine Conference and beyond to join us for time for rest, rejuvenation, and renewal at Pilgrim Lodge. Let us enjoy the gift of being together to lift up one another and share our energy. More Info…

June 13th-15th, Fri to Sun
Campers Age 15 & Older

Become certified as a Red Cross Lifeguard. You should be a strong swimmer. Space is very limited so register early. The price includes overnights, meals and all course materials. More Info…

July 2nd-5th, Wed to Sat - Three Nights
All Ages!

Singles, friends, grandparents and grandchildren and families of all styles and configurations are welcome to join us at this four day renewal by the lake.  Expedition Everyone is a an adventure that offers a variety of ways to spend quality time with your loved ones, encounter new people, and experience restoration in the great outdoors.  More Info…

July 27th-29th, Sun to Tue - Two Nights
Campers Age 5 & Older

This camp is a perfect way to introduce your grandchild(ren) to a special, spiritual place that they can return to year after year. What a great way to make memories that you and your grandchild(ren) will cherish forever! More Info…

July 30th to August 3rd, Wed to Sun
Campers Age 18 & Older
Flexi-Stay: Register by the night or stay for all 4 nights

We have some arts and crafts workshops planned for each day as well as the usual time with friends, swimming, boating, rocking, reading, chatting, walking, eating, napping, laughing, and breathing. All is optional. Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it? More Info…

August 8th-10th, Fri to Sun - Weekend
All Ages!

Beloved members of the LGBTQ+ community, you and your relatives and chosen family are invited to join us for an all ages Pride camp to celebrate our sacred selves, our stories to create community and of course some all out camp fun! More Info…

August 29th to September 1st, Fri to Mon
All Ages!

Welcoming campers of all configurations…individuals, couples, relatives or chosen family…we create Family Camp when we converge together at Pilgrim Lodge. More Info…

Sun August 31st
All Ages!

Calling all Pilgrim Lodge Alumni! Were you ever a camper, counselor, dean or staff member at Pilgrim Lodge? Did you ever send your child to camp or support Pilgrim Lodge through your church? You are invited to this in-gathering of people who love Pilgrim Lodge. Join us for our Alumni … Read More More Info…

Sept 12th-14th, Fri to Sun - *Optional Thursday Arrival
Campers Age 18 & Older

September is a beautiful time to be at camp! You are invited to join us for programming, singing, eating, sharing, worshipping, LAUGHING, and memory-making with new and old friends alike. More Info…